Need to remind those who never been to Fraser's Hill there's actually a timing when your can go up or down the hill. It is due to the road is quite small & ideally for one way only. Therefore a system was created long back to cater the traffic up & down the hills.
Odd hours/time is for going up the hill & vince versa. And it only last for 40minutes before the guard close the gate. Even though i know the times sometimes the traffic timing from Kuala Lumpur not right which resulting myself stuck at Jalan Gap.
But not to worry, if you unfortunately stuck at the GAP please relax at the small shop near the guardhouse. For muslims there's also a Surau nearby. Well, its enough to fill in empty stomach & also kill the time. Take the time to spend time with your love ones & also the kids. A burger with combination of hot teh tarik will do the trick since its already quite cold at the Jalan Gap. Excellent meal to kill the time.
by anaklangkawi